10 July, 2017

Kayak & Paddle Boarding

Join us on the water for kayaking every other Monday throughout the summer. The Elliott Bay kayaks will be available to reserve and people are encouraged to bring their own as well to join the event.

This event will be led by our Dockhand Tim Mangolds, he is an Army Veteran and frequent outdoorsman who loves being on the water. He will lead the group on various routes around the marina and out on to Elliott Bay.

The marina has 6 kayaks that can be reserved for this event ONLY (first come first serve), once they are reserved you would need to supply your own. If you would like to sign-up for this event please fill out the form below and we will add you to the list. Once they have all been reserved we will send out a confirmation email to the individuals who have reserved them.

Time: 6:30pm – 8pm

Location: Elliott Bay Marina Fuel Dock

